
Cement ball mill to become Kandos museum exhibit

cement ball mill
Cement ball mill
Australia: The Kandos Bicentennial Industrial Museum has moved a ball mill from the former Cement Australia Kandos plant to its collection. The aim is to make the mill the centre of the museum's external collection, according to local press.
"We were very lucky to be offered the ball mill by Cement Australia," said Dr Buzz Sanderson, president of the Kandos Museum. "When Cement Australia decided to demolish the Kandos Cement Works, it asked us which parts we wanted to exhibit at the museum and the ball mill was one of them. There was a plan at one stage to place the ball mill down near the railway station at the entrance to town but there were just too many safety concerns."
The ball mill will be placed beside the Kandos Museum to give visitors to the museum a sense of how the machinery worked when it was in operation. The museum has had three sections cut away from the machine that will allow guests to look inside and see the inner workings of the machine.
 ----->  http://www.ballmillxg.com/news/Cement-ball-mill-to-become-museum-exhibit.html

