
To Solve Your Confusion about Cone Crusher

Cone Crusher
Xinguang Machinery Co., Ltd is a famous cone crusher manufacturer in China. Our cone crusher includes Symons cone crusher, spring cone crusher, compound cone crusher, hydraulic cone crusher and mobile cone crusher. Symons, spring and compound cone crushers are common fixed crusher. Hydraulic cone crusher is hydraulic type with hydraulic adjusting device, and hydraulic cylinder. Mobile cone crusher is mobile type crusher integrates crushing, screening and conveying together on one mobile vehicle for crushing work. Of these three kinds of cone crusher, mobile cone crusher and hydraulic cone crusher are advanced cone crushers than other common crusher.  
Users should take serious of cone crusher for sale no matter mobile type, hydraulic type or common type. Although mobile and hydraulic types are more advanced, they are expensive. Therefore, if you just do common crushing work, Symons cone crusher, spring cone crusher or compound cone crusher is enough for your work. But if you have large size workshop and working load, hydraulic cone crusher is necessary because it is more automatic and efficient. Besides, hydraulic cone crusher can work longer time with stable working performance. If your working site is not fixed and you need to change working place regularly, mobile cone crusher is better for you because mobile type cone crusher can move here and there for crushing work conveniently no matter of the working environment. 
Spring cone crusher is an old type cone crusher, but Xinguang has transformed the spring cone crusher into compound cone crusher which features high efficiency, stable working condition and high pressure resistance. Xinguang compound cone crusher, namely SC cone crusher, is a newly developed cone crusher transformed from spring cone crusher and Symons cone crusher. it has some improvements to make it working better. 
Every cone crusher is manufactured carefully and professionally. You can choose any one for your work according to your requirement and budget. But we have talked about the cone crusher suitability and application. Therefore, choose the best one for your working. If you still have no clear decision or knowledge about cone crusher and other crusher machines, you can come to ask our online service or send us email: info@ballmillxg.com. You will get the most professional suggest from our answers.

